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She was formed in artistic roller skates for eight years in Barcelona. In 2010 she specializes in tight wire with Stephanie Bouchard.


She started her handstand learning in 2011 with Vicente Espinosa and Enric Petit in Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel, Barcelona (Spain).


In 2014 she followed her formation in La Granerie and the school Le Lido in Toulouse (France) with Natalie Good.


In 2016 she continues her handstand training with Claude Victoria and she trains hand to hand with Fernando Jorge Melki in Cronopis (Mataró).


In 2013 she created her first small format show "La Simone, per un fil du fer", which turned up in Catalonia's festivals as; Festival Curtcirkit, Festival de circ de Terrassa, Cabaret del Circ-Cric, Festival Pepe Sales and Feria Alternativa de Alicante (Valencia).



In the middle of 2015 she starts developing the new project with the Miner Montell's direction, who knows during her formation in Cac (Barcelona).


Since 2012 she makes workshops of different Catalan circus associations as Associació de Circ Tub d'assaig and Cronopis circus. Therefore in 2013 she starts working as a trainer of tight wire in Vedruna School and Montserrat Sola School (Mataró).

In October 2015, she organize and direct the Circus Cabaret in Cronopis, to collect funds for the Noelia's Foundation, for the children with UCMD (Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy).






Barcelona, 1982

© 2016 by photo.martagc

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